Monday, December 15, 2008

ho hum

This past weekend we took the kids downtown to peer inside The Bay’s shop window at the Eaton’s Centre. We then rode the streetcar back home. We sat in the very back.

A woman came on-about mid 30s-kind dumpy and was talking on her cell phone. She was telling the person she was talking to that she had just come from the gym. She had gone there to cancel her membership but they persuaded her to keep it. And she, the fool, agreed. So now she has 3 months free but must pay for an additional 3 months before she can meekly attempt to cancel yet again.

I was going to tell her it was such a dumb move on her part but since we are strangers I decided to keep my comments to myself (besides, I think she coulda taken me) I kept eavesdropping and wanted to stare at her too but every time I glanced over SHE was staring at ME. Hrmph..hard to stare when the staree becomes the furtive glances were all I managed. She was wearing tight jeans and had a nice squishy belly. Had bright red lipstick and a nice ‘do. She had a great voice and I wanted to tell her she should be on radio but didn’t want to interrupt her phone conversation.

After a few attempts to stare at her she moved away towards the front of the streetcar. My kids were pretty noisy....

You know who is really cool? Those guys that guide your car into the grooves at a car wash or a lube place. You know how they stand there and move their hands-waving to the left...then right...then coaxing you forward..then hand out to tell you to STOP! They are cool and kinda sexy.

This morning dh pointed out that I am now sporting a fat dimple on the top of my butt. Yes that right, a lump of fat, a valley, the dimple and then another lump of fat. I have named it my ‘Christmas dimple’ ho ho ho

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rodent Rambling

Ok..this is really bad but I am reposting a short post I posted on another thread (I am writing 'post' too often) so apologies to all (especially if any chickies from the other thread are reading this-sorry 'Neet!) But I need to keep this blog alive and am too beat to think of something to say..will try to slack from work next week and come up with some brilliant thought provoking posts....or at least a few with a sprinkling of swear words..which everyone knows is really cool and it means I have a lot of friends and I am not scared of anyone (which is a big fat lie..I am scared of almost everything...real coward...) it is! Oh it's a couple of months.get off my back I am eating a big box of Godiva chocolates and watching Cops...

So last night after kids were tucked up in bed dh and I were being lazy on the couch and watching our favourite Cdn show 'The Dragon's Den' when we heard 'scratch scratch scratch' from the kitchen.

We crept in like guerilla warriors and when dh gave me the signal I flung on the lights And there...hanging INSIDE the heat vent with his pink nose sticking out was a MOUSE..little b@stard..dh said ‘well.....hello...’

It scurried off down our duct. We placed a trap inside the heating vent-put the cover back on and scampered off with gleeful thoughts of decapitated mice dancing in our minds...

Not 5 minutes later we hear the sound every homeowner in the fall wants to hear ‘SNAP’. We scamper back in..dh lifts off the cover of the vent and to our dismay we find nothing there!! No trophy dead trap!!!

By this point I am a blithering idiot babbling about a fire starting if that trap happens to plunge into our fiery furnace..dh is in the basement trying to figure out how to open up the duct work to reach inside to see if he can get the trap.

All is lost and I head to bed ( read my Toronto Life mag...but then to bed)

So the next morning dh calls his dad to come with tools...I call my friend’s dh who is a HVAC guy. He says that there is minimal risk to fire and the AC coil will prevent it from falling.

So dh dad comes over..insists on trying to retrieve the errant trap and has this horrible contraption that looks similar to a piece of medical equipment used in women who were in a ‘frenzied state’ from a 1880s medical textbook I have....

Anyway, he manages to fish out the trap and lo and behold there is a dead rodent grinning at us with a dab of peanut butter on his nose.

Victory is ours!!!!!!!

Sadly, after the SNAP dh actually saw another mouse dart behind a piece of furniture in our living the war continues....