Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here! Here!

Ok..gonna make a concentrated effort to begin slagging everyone on my blog and keeping it relatively updated. you know which group of people do not get the recognition they deserve?


Juggling is amazing and VERY difficult but people are not as impressed as they should be. The hand eye co-ordination that is needed to juggle is something most morons can't achieve.

I wish I could juggle..I would thrill and entertain all my friends. I would be constantly picking up 3 objects (5 when I got to be really good) and casually start juggling them.......

'oh...this.....oh yes I can juggle..thanks for noticing...'

I would be the STAR at all parties...sigh....

People would introduce me as a juggler

'Here's Angela....she can juggle...'

ahh to be a juggler.....

ok..and here is a stupid thing people DO get a kick out of:
Dressing up monkeys/chimps in clothes and making them do 'human things'

This is NOT funny or amusing at all. It is so low brow (forgive the pun) and I do not find these chimps cute at all. They are ugly and possibly stinky. Plus they do not want to be smoking that cigar while playing a hand of poker...They would rather shove the poker chips up their noses and perhaps poo on the table.....

If someone has one of those novelty monkey calendars I know I can not be their friend....

hmmm...I can't be friends with:
1. People with monkey calendars-ok..already told you that one

2. People who say 'basically' too much

3. People who laugh EVERY time they complete a sentence

4. Racist people (I think I am a visible minority and nobody can convince me otherwise)

5. Men with a long nail on their baby finger-what is up with that? why? Do they think any woman wants to have sex with them with that horrible long (usually slightly dirty) fingernail

6. People who are not the slightest bit superstitious-no fun

7. People who SAY they are spontaneous-yeah.....sure you are....

8. People who never have cookies in their home

9. People who swear and then say 'excuse my French'

10. People who fart and then think if they say excuse me you will think it was a ok for them to fart I am all riled up and looking for a fight! Oops...being beckoned back to my cage more later I promise


Gorilla Bananas said...

You call chimps "ugly and possibly stinky" and then say you can't be friends with a racist? I sentence you to 3 months in jail with regular spankings.

Misfit Mom said...
