Thursday, November 27, 2008

Berry Conclusion

The blackberry lady came to my house twice yesterday. Once to harass my nanny; the other time to retrieve her priceless status symbol.

So, I get home and my nanny tells me ‘oh..that lady who lost her blackberry came over’ and I said ‘WHA??? I told her hub I wouldn’t be home until 6pm?”

So, nanny says that the lady didn’t even knock (I’ll bet she rang our broken doorbell) but nanny saw her at the door and opened it. The lady said ‘where’s my Blackberry?’ no, ‘hello’ no ‘thank you oh kind lady for finding my Blackberry and being honest enough to return it’ oh no..just ‘where’s my Blackberry?’. She then asked ‘you called? You have it?’ once she saw the confused look on my nanny’s face. (my nanny frequently has the confused look-she uses it as a defense mechanism- I’m sure of it)

Anyhooo..nanny tells the bitch in black that her precious Blackberry is safely in her ‘employers’ (that’s me) hands and I won’t be home until 6pm so buzz off (I made up that last bit).

So I get 6:15 lady knocks..she is nice as pie to me...Andrew pops over with his crazy hair that sticks up at all angles and she oohs and goos over him. Then Ben pops over half naked (no pants) and she thanks him but does not loosen her purse strings to offer him a rich lady...hrmph....

We gab a bit as mothers do. Her son is in senior kindergarten and daughter in grade 2. We talk about the French program at the school. I ask her if it was difficult teaching her daughter to read in English. She exclaims ‘oh no..she taught herself’

Ahhh....another genius child. Lovely. So after bragging a bit more she went on her merry way. Skipping down my steps and being enveloped by the November night. I totally forgot to check out what kind of car she drove. Bet it was an Acura....

I went back inside and finished the Candyland game with the kids. Got it at a rummage sale for a buck. It didn’t have instruction. Not sure if ANY Candyland game comes with instructions.....or is it so easy that anyone can figure it out. There are these cards with lollipops and nuts and ice cream cones on them. Not sure what they are for so I made that bit up. Moot point anyway because Ben has stolen those cards and has hidden them in 2 of his hiding spots for treasures (under the cushion in the big chair in our living room and inside the fridge (?) )

Today is the American Thanskgiving and I shall eat a Stouffers Frozen Turkey dinner to show solidarity with my Yank friends!


Ethan & Ashlyn said...

It's about dang time you came back on here...

I've had blog withdrawal...

Makita said...

Well it's about blogging time!