Monday, July 21, 2008

Hmmm I feel something

Have I mentioned that I am a hypochondriac? But what makes me superior to all the other hypos out there is this:

I KNOW I am foolish and nuts. All the other hypos I know really think they have something and do not think they are crazy. I tell them all to shut up and they are fine.

I have finally made an appointment for a complete physical this week. I am already anticipating the array of wretched disease I may currently have...sigh.....I did my blood work today so it should be ready for me when I see my doctor on Thursday. Now my fear is my blood will be so bad it explodes and they will call me BEFORE my appointment on Thursday..which will just prove that I have mere seconds to live!!!!

So, now I think I have something wrong with an internal organ. Not sure which one..left side under rib cage..low down...and am too afraid to google it lest I stay awake all night thinking about all the new illnesses I have...

Here are my symptoms:

When I eat a big meal and eat it kinda fast I get a 'stitch' pain kinda like a bubble on my lower left side under my low rib cage...sigh...

I've asked two nurses I know.

My sister Tina kinda implied it was stomach cancer...not her exact words but she encouraged me to get an ultrasound and told me the pain was near my stomach.

My friend Anita implied it was liver cancer. Said it is not gallstones or anything easily treatable (not her exact words) but said to get my liver enzymes checked..oh..and it may be cirrosis (sp) of the liver....sigh....see what I mean about NURSES!!

For me I am a terminal illness hypochondriac. I never dabble with second rate illnesses like diabetes, arthritis or gout...oh no..those are too treatable...I go for big

cancers-all sorts
heart disease-the ones they can't cure
Lou Gehrigs disease
MS-but then I think MS is better than Lou Gehrigs disease and then decide I do not have MS but Lou Gehrigs...

So tick tock...I now wait in frantic anticipation......biting my nails if I bit my nails....arghhhh...

Oh and I hate going to doctors-so I am not the kind of hypo that wastes tax payers dollars and dashes to the clinic each week. I hate going because I hate my blood pressure being read.....have this soon as I hear that 'crrrrtttt' of the velcro being pulled apart my heart rate and bp soar.....

All through my pregnancies I had to think of my 'tranquil spot' whenever it was read.....they really hassle pregnant women with high blood thankfully mine always passed....

Better than passing a math test.....

1 comment:

R.N.d said...

Angela YOU HAVE GAS!! Stop eating so fast