If you hear someone bitching that the movie theatre is too cold-you can bet it’s a teacher.
Or someone loudly complaining that the line in Sears is too long -that’ll be a teacher.
Or even if the pizza they ordered does not have enough green olives on it-they will call and complain.
They LOVE to complain-they also love green olives on their pizza. And don’t think they will pay extra for more green olives-oh no…they are far too cheap for that!
Teachers are really really cheap. I have heard stories of them squabbling over a nickel-yes…a nickel….five cents….yet they all earn more than you and me.
Here in Ontario they are unionized which equals: get loads of money for doing nothing-so they can’t complain about wages (although they certainly do) and they get two months off every summer
Meanwhile, the rest of us eejits go in every single day…..
’Oh look dear..it’s June…well that’s it for me until September….put on ‘The Price is Right’.
And they get 2 weeks off for Christmas and another week off for the spring break. Yet they still complain!!
Ok-their pension. I think the Ontario Teachers’ pension owns just about everything (I think they just bought the Magna Carta) so, when they do retire (at 50) they get more money in their decrepit old age than you will make in your entire lifetime.
So what do they have to complain about? They make buckets of money, have a better pension than CEOs and really-what’s so hard about teaching the 6 times table? What’s so hard about reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’? Ok..you will probably cry at the end (the spider dies) but that’s not too bad.
Teachers also treat all parents as if they are the complainers. They have no TIME to discuss Olivia's report card and always come into meeting with a chip on their shoulder. Granted they do have to deal with a lot of parents who think their genius child deserves an A+ and why did you Mr. Teacher only give her a B- clearly something is wrong..so I will give them that..
Teachers are just bitter folks who have unrealized dreams (nobody goes into teaching-they all wanted to be writers or artists or candlestick makers) but they FAILED. They are failures in their life quest..so they became teachers…..I personally think that they’ve got the 2nd best job in the world yet they are always complaining about it!
So here’s a message to all you teachers:
‘Get a spine, quit your bitching and get to work.’
Their saving graces are as follows: hmmm..this is tough….they are good at remembering which months have 30 days…they have GREAT penmanship….they are neat in appearance, clean, and are good with animals..they also don’t gamble or read pornography….
Could you be saying that teachers are worse than NURSES???
My son's teacher complains alot,but then again...you know my son..r.n.d
OMG, I so remember those parent-teacher meetings! "oh, we so want to help your child!" Not! All they want is a pat on the back. Not that they don't deserve one I know what little shits kids can be, but.....I refuse to be forced into a lie....... Talk about a chip on the shoulder, sheesh......
And then there were those that "requested" that their students have certain folders for each subject. You search the world over and none are left. "no these won't work, they have to have pockets", "no, these won't work they don't have prongs........" What the hell is wrong with the parents, can't we listen to simple instructions???? Your child is humiliated and comes home crushed and in a panic. Whatever happened to lined paper that fit into a 3-ring binder with tabs to seperate the subjects????? Or even a plain old clip board???? I could go on and on, but it just brings up bad memories.
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