Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Free Advice

Hi Angela,
I wasn't insulting you, the BA was - by your own admission they are PICKY!
Thank you for acknowledging my comment though - you may have me pegged correctly - like an arsonist I too am seeking attention. I am not advocating arson though.
As for a question, here is one. I usually do my laundry at a laundromat on Wed. evenings. (I know, that's not a question..) My boyfriend (of 4 months) called me on Monday night and told me he was meeting a friend (woman) from his home town for drinks on Wed. night, because she is moving out west. He didn't invite me along, because "you do your laundry that night right?" I would have made the exception, but it didn't seem like he wanted me along. What do you make of this? - Pickles

Pickles.....I will tell you what to do. I will tell you what your friends are dying to tell you but fear a punch in the nose.

Hmm...looks like you got yourself in a pickle (commence eyeroll).'s what you do.

Tell Mr. Considerate that 'yes' laundry day cannot wait. so HE can do your laundry that Wednesday evening and YOU will take Miss. Flying out West Princess out for a good time (take her to Taco Bell).

Ok...if that won't work then this is what you should do:
Shut your big fat pie hole. LET him take out that two faced beeotch. You-go do your laundry.

Be all 'tra la la fa la la' act like he is going out to get his ingrown toenail removed....
Do NOT ask any questions.
Do NOT call him that night.
Do NOT answer if he tries to call you.
Do NOT talk to him about how it made you 'feel'

Go and get your undies sparkling clean..perhaps chat with the lady who is using the double washer....flirt with the guy who asks you for 'some spare change for a coffee ma'am' have fun! Wheeeeeee

Maybe you can write a limerick about your feelings when you get back home..

1 comment:

Makita said...

There once was a girl from the Junction,
Who said "without my boyfriend, I CAN'T function!"
Experiencing daily dismay,
She woke up one day,
And kicked him to the curb with gumption.