Thursday, July 17, 2008

vacation schmacation

So, I am kinda sorta on a mini vacation. Which means my nanny is on a great vacation (Quebec City) and I amtaking days off to watch the kids. While it is great being at home with them and pretending to be a SAHM...I wouldn't call it a 'vacation'.

Today we went to a new park and the boys were good as gold at the beginning-sadly there were no witnesses. Afterwards they scoped out the area and saw there were millions of perfect mothers so at that point decided to become the devil's spawn.

One very smug mother in particular could not take her sanctimonius eyes off me and my naughty boys. She mentally told me 'hrmhp....if they were MY children they would not be so evil'

I wanted to say something to her but that would just make me look crazy AND a bad mother....better just to be a bad mama....sigh....

Mysteries I Ponder
Why when I am searching for something in my pocket it is ALWAYS in the other pocket? WHY? I have a 50% chance of getting it right but I never do..defies logic

Why do I get the same red lights every single day. No matter the time of day I am travelling down that road. I even get red lights when the opposite road is a small side street and it is rarely green-does that make sense? What I mean is even traffic lights on busy roads that are usually green are red for me.....

Why are my boys only well behaved when nobody is around?

Why do I spend so much money on Avon stuff and then never use it?

Why is it when you think about blinking it fucks you up and then you start to force yourself to blink.

If I stand very still and think about it there is always one spot on my body that is itchy.

Why do people say the word 'basically' so much?

ok..must dash!

1 comment:

Ethan & Ashlyn said...

Why do I always get an eye booger out of the opposite eye that I feel it on?

Why does Ash insist that I find her teddy for her..when the dang thing is about 3 feet away from her?

Why do morons stop at a roundabout..when there is nothing coming from the other side?

Why do some people wait at a red light..the entire red light..when they could have turned right..say 3-5 minutes earlier?

Why do my waffles end up burnt 2/5 days when I don't alter the toasting settings on my toaster?